You have a maximum of 20 seconds to wow the reader of your cover letter, so make it dynamic!
It is critical that your cover letter be unique and specific to you, but also to the employer. Individualize each and every cover letter to the job you are applying for. And keep it brief. Never more than one page with a lot of white space so your selling points jump off the page. If you are planning to email a good plan is to keep it to three short paragraphs so that it runs no longer than the screen.
Dynamic Cover Letter Fundamentals:
First Paragraph
Be sure to spark the employer’s interest, provide information about what you will bring to the job and state what makes you stand out from all the other applicants. Rather than stating that you are writing to apply for the position tell them about successful sales and revenue increases you generated in your current/past positions.
Second Paragraph
This is where you provide professional or academic qualifications. Stress accomplishments and achievements rather than job duties. Use action verbs when describing accomplishments and achievements. If you do not have experience yet focus on skills that you learned in previous work experience that will transfer. Be sure to tailor this paragraph to the needs described in the ad.
Third Paragraph
In this paragraph give details why you are the best candidate for the position. Show that you know something about the organization. Study the company website and relate your skills to the company and its’ mission.
Fourth Paragraph
The final paragraph should request action. Ask for the job interview or meeting here. Express your confidence that you are the perfect fit for the job. Also, give notice that you plan to follow up within a specific timeline by phone or email. The best closing paragraph tells the employer how sure you are that you can help in the success of the company. Say here that you will call to schedule an appointment!