7 Job Search Mistakes Every Job Applicant Should Stop Doing


by Amber Stanley, UndercoverRecruiter

mistakeJob searching in a tough market is a daunting and tedious process. Not everyone was given the chance that they’ve wanted for their career. More often than not, every applicant finds more failure over success in each position they applied for. During the job hunt course, the applicant has to go through a series of doors. Each step is important and once a mistake was done, a door will be closed instantly.

Everyday, hundreds or even thousands of people look for new work through variety of methods available. Although, you can find tons of company openings on the web and on print there’s no guarantee that you will land a job that you desire. Yes, there are plenty of tactics you can apply in the search process to rise above the crowd. But as an applicant you must remember that the important keys to be successful in your endeavor is making the right contacts and avoiding job-search missteps.

Here are some mistakes that every job seeker should stop doing:

 1. Sweating the Small Stuff

Instead of focusing on little things like tracking down information about your interviewer or how you should address him on your cover letter, you must put your energy into showing your qualifications and why you’re the best fit for the job. Most candidates tend to concentrate on not-so-important things during their job hunt. Keep in mind that recruiters are more keen in your skills and the things you can contribute to the company than those little stuff that don’t matter at all.

2. Setting Expectations Too High

Sometimes, candidates thought that they are the right person for the job because of the good signs they saw from the hiring manager. But when the offer never comes, they were left wondering why they didn’t get the job. Don’t expect too much even if you think the recruiters give you hints that you fit for the position. Never assume that your search is over until they’ve given a formal offer.

3. Forgetting to Evaluate Potential Employers

Job seekers forgot to assess their target employers so they tend to overestimate their own work experience for the position they applied for. During the interview process, you should also spend time to be curious about what the hiring manager needs and if you really want the job. Before you decide whether you will take the job or not, make sure that you already evaluated the company you wanted to work for.

4. Providing a Not-so-Good Reference List

Avoid job reference disaster if you really want to get hired for a new job. References can make or break your opportunity so manage your list carefully. Do not just provide whoever you think is a good reference for your application. They should be familiar with your accomplishments and your work performances. Otherwise, they might give worse opinion about you

5. Making Careless Interview Errors

Many candidates take their job interview for granted. They go on their scheduled interview unprepared and even late, sometimes. The most common mistakes of candidates are submitting an illegible résumé, showing unprofessional behaviour, failure to muster enthusiasm on the position and forgetting the importance of punctuality. When a candidate demonstrates frequent errors during the interview, hiring managers most likely not consider him on the position.

6. Bringing up Salary Too Soon

According to a career manager, someone who brings up salary first, loses the job. Some job seekers bring up the money issue early instead of focusing first if they are really qualified for the work. The salary is best left for the final stage of negotiation. As an applicant, avoid answering questions about money especially if it emphasize on how much money you want to earn.

7. Failing to Build Wide Networks

A successful job hunt can achieve through obtaining leads, referrals, advice, information and support from professional networks. A pro-active search is making meaningful connections by making contacts and building relationships with other professionals. Based on some statistics, 80% of jobs are found through networking and direct contact. So do not waste your time answering ads or sending out your resumes to unknown contacts. Be a pro-active job seeker and take advantage of the power of technology wisely.

Job seekers too often focus on looking for the perfect job instead of a position where they can learn a great deal and explore more opportunities. Do not just apply to all vacant positions that you find. Pick only the jobs that you think you’re best qualified for. During the search process, take every opportunity seriously and avoid all the mentioned missteps to get hired for a new job.


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