National Healthcare is Fast Approaching. Are you ready?


How are you going to afford it? We may be able to help.

June 28, 2012 will go down in history as the day the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional.

It does not matter which political party you support.
It does not matter whether you agree with the decision or the rationale behind it.

Regardless….It’s coming. And it’s coming quickly!

More importantly, if you do not offer coverage, can you afford the standard tax (penalty) of more than $2,000 per qualified employee that is a non-deductible expense?

Many components of the healthcare law have already been implemented and will effectively begin on January 1, 2014 with several other regulations and taxes being adopted every year until 2018.

How is your company effectively planning for it?

  • Some companies are considering scaling down their operations by reducing staff levels in order to stay under the 50 employee threshold…..If so, how do you ever grow your business?
  • Some companies are considering creating a work place of mostly part-time employees in order to possibly not qualify…..If so, how are you going to find more qualified staff to fill the gaps of time? It’s already hard to find good employees not to mention the increased costs of training.
  • Some companies are considering simply raising their prices of their goods or services and will merely pass it on to their customers….Good luck with keeping your customers, as smaller competitors who do not qualify for federal healthcare will quickly come in and sell on lower costs and steal your customers.

We May Be Able To Offer You A Cost-Effective Alternative:

At Integrative Staffing Group, we have taken an aggressive, pro-active approach by partnering with health benefit consultants, CPA firms and government affairs representatives in order to better understand the looming health care situation.

With continuous assessments regarding important fiscal concerns such as tax cost estimations, participation rates, full-time equivalent employee qualifications, state exchanges, and look-back periods, we believe that we can bring a cost-effective solution to your company that will keep you competitive in the marketplace, while adhering to the health care legislation law.

If interested in an informational meeting, it would be our pleasure speaking to you and help provide possible options for you to consider.

Regardless of the direction you decide, time is of the essence for you to implement a successful strategic plan, and Integrative Staffing Group may provide additional options to help in your decision.

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